What If Registrants Refuse To Take The Road Less Traveled?

An article out of Palos Park, Illinois has me wondering, WHAT IF?

Apparently some parents waiting at a school bus stop had noticed what they termed a suspicious red Hyundai passing by the bus stop several times that week. What made this car look suspicious or out of place I’m not sure, there must be thousands of red Hyundais’ out there on the roads. It’s unclear from the article exactly how things unfolded but someone, a parent or the school district contacted the police.

Police followed up on the call and determined that the person in the red Hyundai was a registered sex offender. Full Blog Entry


IL: Police Query Sex Offender Spotted Driving Near School Bus Stop

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Amen ta That article.
We are not resisting just for the right to exist!
When they’ve finished with us, they will turn their eyes to the rest of our country.
We will not live on our knees.

Do we know if this particular county in Illinois has presence restrictions? Do they want them? If so, this “incident” could be used as a pretext to justify some new ordinance that has already been written and ready to be submitted for consideration.

How do we know this non incident actually even occurred? We don’t.

Beyond that, ALL citizens need to start asserting themselves and their rights with law enforcement.

” Do you have reason to believe I’ve committed a crime officer”.?
“Am I being detained officer”?
“Am I free to go officer”?

Recommendations from the police as to which route one takes to work so as to not upset anyone should be followed up with:
“No thank you and have a nice day”



I suppose logic and context were thrown out to appease boredom. A red car shows up around the same time everyday. Nothing has occurred at all during all these observations. Then a phone call alerts the police of this pattern. Owner of red car says that is the route he takes to work.

1. appears at the same time every day
2. drives a car whose color is easily remembered and recognizable
3. has a job
4. job confirms this

Why is LE telling this person to essentially “sit at the back of the bus”? When did segregation become permissible in the USA again?

Registered families should go out of their way to live whatever kind of lives that they want and never, ever worry about the un-Americans who support the S*x Offender Registries. Those people are enemies of all good Americans. They are harassing terrorists who have no business at all living decent lives. F them.

Let them pass their anti-factual, immoral, un-American “laws”. I will continue to neutralize them and make them pay dearly.

Very disturbing article! This is partially the result of how the government and LE has portrayed those who are required to register! Very thought provoking. Yet, we have people running around with drug offenses, assault and battery offenses, attenpted murder and a multitude of gang members running around with guns! People need to wake up!

We are giving the RSO the benefit of the doubt here and assuming he was only noticed because it was a red car rather than doing something suspicious. Okay fine.

Even given the benefit of the doubt, I’d still take a different route. To answer the rhetorical “what if” question, the RSO would continue to be harassed by law enforcement, would not win any judgements, and would be first suspect if anything ever happened at that school.
Alternatively, he could take a route that is 30 seconds longer.

I don’t think we need to live in fear or let this affect our entire life, but my experience has taught me that the ones who keep their head down fair a lot better than the people who need to insist on being right all of the time.

So, if someone wants to buck the system, I wish them all the success in the world, but it won’t be me.

Registrants and their families should only do whatever is in their comfort zone. For some, keeping their heads down and not making waves is what feels safe, and that’s OK. If you want to take the suggestion of the police and travel the back roads, I support that, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.
But for some of us, we’ve had enough of standing ashamed and embarrassed in the shadows hoping no one sees us. We made a mistake, an error of judgement. We served our sentences. We’ve been punished.
If we don’t start standing up for ourselves, now, as a group of 850,000 registrants, then who will? If we continue to let other people treat us as “less than”, then that’s what we’ll always be viewed as.
I for one, am not “less than”.